This interface presents the n-gram counts hosted at pe-pc-datasets. These are pre-computed and stored as JSON files which you may access directly here.
Explanation of parameters:
Length: The length of n-gram to display. Length = 1 will show the frequency of individual signs; Length = 2 will show strings of two signs; etc.
Exclude corrections? If checked, corrected signs (annotated with <, >, and ! in the original transcriptions) will not be counted.
Collapse variants? If checked, sign variants will be counted as instances of their corresponding basic sign, e.g., M066~A will be counted as an instance of M066.
Search string: if a search term is entered, the plot will only display n-grams which contain the search string.
Plot size: how many rows to display. n-grams are displayed in order of decreasing frequency. Chart.js breaks when the plot gets too large, so plot size is capped at 1000.